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森林プログラム資料室>EU市民の92%が、違法木材に対する法制強化を希望 〜最新の世論調査より〜
EU市民の92%が、違法木材に対する法制強化を希望 〜最新の世論調査より〜

【ベルギー、ブリュッセル発、2009年3月31日】      原文はこちら   実際の調査結果はこちら








「EUの市民は、違法伐採が日常的に発生している発展途上国の地域社会のニーズに対しても支援したいと考えている。違法伐採により、森林が破壊あるいは劣化すると、社会構造までも損なわれ、生活手段も失われてしまう。EUは今こそ、森林問題への責任を認識し、木材の合法性を保証するような法制を整えるべき」FoE オランダ(Milieudefensie)、アン・バン・シャイクは語る。





アンケ・シュルマイスター 、WWF森林政策担当,
Tel:+32 (0) 27400922、※送信時は@を小文字に変えて下さい)
ステファニア・カンポジアーニ、WWF欧州政策オフィス 広報担当,
Tel:+32 (0) 27438815、※送信時は@を小文字に変えて下さい)

Notes to the editors:
- 注記のない調査中の数値はすべて、ロンドンに拠点を置く英国世論調査評議会メンバー、「YouGov Plc」による。サンプル数は英国2,098、ドイツ658、ハンガリー、ブルガリア、オーストリア各500、チェコ共和国501、フィンランド、フランス、イタリア各502、スペイン503、ポルトガル、オランダ、ポーランド各505、スウェーデン508、総数8,789。調査は2009年3月4〜10日の間、オンラインで実施された。調査結果は重みづけられ、すべての国の成人(18歳以上)の回答を代表している。

- WWFのレポート“Illegal wood for the European market”によれば、2006年にEU市場に輸入された違法木材は輸入量全体の16〜19%、2,650〜3,100万m3に及ぶ。レポート全編は以下を参照:

- WWFポルトガルが3月31日に発表した市場分析「ポルトガルの木工業とコルク産業」によると、イベリア半島に輸入される熱帯林からの製材は550,000m3を超え、世界で2番目の量。

- 本プレスリリースと調査結果の詳細は、以下を参照:


New poll reveals: 92 % of EU citizens want law against illegal timber

Brussels, Begium - European citizens overwhelmingly want stricter controls on illegally sourced timber, according to a poll commissioned by WWF and Friends of the Earth (FoE) Europe. The poll confirms the support from EU citizens for a new EU legislation that halts the trade in illegal timber and timber products on the European market. WWF and FoE Europe urge the European Parliament and EU governments to act accordingly and to adopt a strong legislation without further delay.

According to the survey, carried out with citizens from 14 countries, an average 56% of polled people do not believe the wood products they buy in the EU are legal (a further 19% are not sure). This causes a problem because it undermines companies that have proved determined to work towards credible and effective solutions.

An overwhelming 92% believe it is important that an EU wide law is introduced.

“Illegal timber is still a major problem in the EU, with an estimated 16-19% of EU imports being illegal or from suspicious sources,” said Anke Schulmeister, Forest Policy Officer at WWF. “We need a specific and effective timber law in the EU, for which it is clear, there is wide public support.”

In Bulgaria, where illegal logging still occurs, 83% of those asked do not believe that the timber they buy is legally harvested and an amazing majority of 97% think it is important to guarantee legality, demonstrating a clear sign that action is needed. Dutch, Czech and Swedish citizens are among the most doubtful about the legality of timber on the EU markets, with more than 80% saying they do not think the timber they buy is legal or are unclear about it.

In the Mediterranean countries, support for the need for legality and new timber laws that can assure it is almost unanimous. Some 98% of Italians and Spanish and 99% of Portuguese want to be sure that the wood they buy is legal and an average of 97% support the introduction of a new European law.

Support for penalties for infringements against any law was strong overall, and particularly from Bulgaria (96%), Mediterranean countries (average 97%), Poland and France (95%) and major timber supplier Finland (91%).

“EU citizens are showing themselves commendably supportive of the needs of local communities in developing countries where illegal logging is the daily practice,” said Anne van Schaik from Friends of the Earth Netherlands. “Illegal logging leaves these communities with degraded or destroyed forests, disrupted social structures and loss of livelihoods. It is high time the EU takes responsibility and installs legislation to guarantee the legality of all timber products”

An EU timber regulation is currently being discussed by the European Parliament and Council of Ministers and will be voted on in the next few months.

“Negotiators should acknowledge public opinion and support legislation that gives all players in the timber supply chain clear indications about what they need to do to prove the legality of their timber,” said Anke Schulmeister. “To be fair to those companies that have been trying to operate ethically, the legislation needs to provide more certain consequences to those who continue to flout the rules.”

WWF and Friends of the Earth urge the European Parliament and EU governments, to agree on the legislation before the European elections in June.


Further information:
Anke Schulmeister, WWF Forest Policy Officer
Tel. +32 (0) 2 740 09 22, email:
Stefania Campogianni, Press Officer, WWF European Policy Office,
Tel.+32 (0)2 743 88 15, mob. +32 (0)499 539736, Mob: +32 (0) 499 539736, email:

Notes to the editors:
- All figures reported in the poll, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc, member of the British Polling Council based in London. Total sample size was 2098 adults for UK, 658 in Germany, 500 Hungary, Bulgaria, and Austria, 501 Czech Republic, 502 Finland, France, Italy, 503 Spain, 505 Portugal, Netherlands and Poland, and 508 in Sweden. The survey was carried out online between 4th and 10th March 2009. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all countries adults (aged 18+).

- WWF report “Illegal wood for the European market estimates that 16-19 per cent of wood imports in the European Union in 2006 came from illegal sources - between 26.5 and 31 million cubic meters.
See full report on:

- As reported in a Market Analysis Report published on 31 March by WWF Portugal on ”Portuguese Woodworking and cork industries”, the Iberian Peninsula is the second largest region in the world in imports of Tropical Sawn Timber, with more than 550,000 m3
Portugal is 9th worldwide importer of Tropical Round Timber and 13th worldwide importer of Tropical Sawn Timber and is the main customer of Democratic Republic of Congo and 3rd in the round timber exports from Gabon. The report will be available on:

- The Press release and the factsheet with the result of the poll are available under embargo on:


Fact sheet EU poll illegal timber trade (WWF-FOE_poll_factsheet.pdf)

(c) 2002 FoE Japan.  All RIghts Reserved.

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