Climate Finance

Greenhouse gas emission reduction, disaster prevention and various climate change measures are generating new financial flows. In particular, developing countries or small island nations, who have already been greatly affected by climate change, require significant support and the global north must repay climate debt. FoE Japan monitors international negotiations on climate finance and make policy recommendations.


Report Release: FoE US and OCI’s New report shows Japan, Korea, and US among worst fossil fuel financiers 


PETITION: Immediately Stop Prolonging the Life of Fossil Fuels and Destroying the Environment and Livelihoods in Indonesia – Meaningful Participation of Local Communities and Civil Society in Just and Equitable Energy Transition


Open Letter: G7 countries must not leave room for fossil fuels, climate destruction


[Joint Statement] Climate, Environment and Social Conditions Require a Further Earlier Closure of Cirebon Coal Plant Unit 1 and a Halt to the Commencement of Operation in Cirebon Unit 2 – Reaction to the Announcement of the 1st Early Closure Plan of Coal Power Plant in Indonesia


Indonesian CSOs Submit a Petition to the Japanese Government: “No more prolonging the lifespan of fossil fuel and destroying the environment and livelihoods in Indonesia in the name of a ‘Just Energy Transition'”


Climate Change Impact and Climate Justice